Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 49
Healing nicely. Pain is unchanged. Nerve reaction is not as intense, but I'm not pushing it. The sensitivity though is enough that I believe I have decided to forgo any further treatments. I'm not sure at this point if that means a temporary, prolonged or permanent  cessation of treatments. I fear permanent nerve damage, or permanent debilitating pain or loss of arm control if I continue. 
 I hate to leave this undone, but I will continue to take the bloodroot black salve capsules internally in the hope we can kill it from the inside out. I will try some alternative methods as well as the recuperative power of the human body. Now that I am getting better, and the arm and muscle atrophy are showing signs of improvement, I will be starting a much too long delayed second round of P90X. As a 50 year old male, with a known spinal degeneration, nerve issues in the left leg/ lower back, and this elbow tumor removal and subsequent pain and tumor that remains...I will chronicle my efforts here. I also, hope to record a video of myself drumming within 2 years. This is my true love, and I believe was my calling, but I believe God allowed me to follow a different path in life other than what I desired in order to give me what I needed, not necessarily what I wanted, and in turn allowed me to live. Had I continued the path of my dreams, I believe I would not have lived past my late 20's, maybe into my early 30's.
I hope to share my love with my grandchildren, and in the lyrics of an old Jethro Tull song proclaim: 'No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die'
Day 45
Looking better every day!
Superficial pain on the surface of the skin persists. So does the pain in the elbow area.

Day  43
Good progress. Still a little left though. Had to cut one tendril that didn't want to release from the eschar. 
Not as deep as I would have expected! I'm pleased. I do have concerns however. The pain in the elbow persists. The pain in the forearm skin is still there as well. The biggest concern is the fear of nerve damage. I barely touched a region where there there is still some white left. The entire arm lit up in intense pain that brought tears to my eyes. to make matters worse I did it not once...but twice!! The nerve is right at the surface of the new skin, and irritated.

Day  42
Liftoff soon!!

Day  40
Pain on the skin of the forearm. Worried about nerve damage. Skin is actually painful. The hair on the arm feels painful like 'hat hair' ...very sensitive.

Day  38
Swelling has gone down as eschar becomes looser. Also elevating the arm at night while sleeping at DCM's suggestion has helped.
Day  36

Feels Good laying the arm on a pillow while seated in the evening.

 Day  35

Arm swelling has gotten worse, and edema has set it. If I press the arm the indentation stays for longer than 5 minutes...so it's severe.

Side bay side comparison...notice swelling in forearm, especially the elbow.

Pitting edema. I did this indentation just by pressing my finger against my forearm.
Day  34

Cracks beginning to show in my resolve, and ability to deal with pain this severe. It was bad enough today that I had to call in sick to work i the hope that the worse of it would be easier to bear and I knew if it was still very bad, four days at work with it would be better than five. Decided to get a sling for the arm as it is too painful to use to any degree.

The area from the tip of my finger to the edge of the eschar is solid and hard. I fear the 'bad guy' is deeper and more invasive than I thought.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 33. 3:03 PM

I'm currently taking the max of acetaminophen and naproxen sodium, and loosing sleep from the pain. Pretty intense this time. Man I'll be glad when this is over! Arm is pretty much useless now. Pain is too severe in the inside of the elbow and on the outside to have any functional mobility.... 7 days to go. Hope this is the last round.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 32. 4:55 PM

After going by the office DCM and I decided to remove the bandage to see the status of the eachar. It came off with a little effort, and we cut one 'hanger on' that refused to let go on it's own without severe pain. I then used a pair of forceps to get as much of the 'bad stuff' out as possible. DCM then filled in the bad areas with more black salve. Pretty intense pain and tentacles at the site, and the the pain in the other tentacles increased, and started in new areas. The pain in each new application has been more intense than the last, and this is definitely not proving to be the exception.
Day 31  8:26 AM

Me: Good morning! Just a reminder, I'll be by the office around 12:15 to pickup more bloodroot caps. Thanks! 

DCM: Sure. K c u then.
Day 30  6:58 AM

Me: Looks like liftoff soon! Raised up on the same side as usual. I see a hint of white on that side but I can't tell if it's bad stuff, puss, or excess aftercare. Probably me being paranoid. If for some reason this goes into the weekend and GOD FORBID, I have any white left, and have to do a fourth round, will you be available? I'm praying for all pink. I'm sure your getting tired of me bugging you all the time as well.

Day 30  7:50 AM

DCM: U r not bugging me. Yes I will be available whenever :)

Day 30  6:26 PM

DCM: U doin ok? Major Tom to ground control. U still working?
Me: Just getting ready to soak the bandage off..

Day 30  7:46 PM
Me: Not Tonight... Probably Friday or Sat. Night at the very latest..pretty loose.
DCM: K. How was ur day? Hard to believe that would come out of the hole. Come out u evil rascal
Me: Not bad. Glad tomorrow Is Friday...how bout you?
DCM: U need silver or accream?
Me: What are your thoughts if there is no white? Is it done or do I do one last round just to make sure... And before you ask... No I'm not a masochist.
DCM: A few more times outta do it
Very funny! Good on silver and cream... Took the last of the capsules this morning... So if this continues, I'll need to get more.
DCM: U need one more bottle. Keep takin em anyway? Bill O'Leary would like u to show him this
Me: You think so?
DCM: Sure
Me: Ill come by.. Lunchtime tomorrow?
DCM: Sure. Yep.
Me: Praying for nuttin but pink!
DCM: Sure. If not, will be very small
Me: I hope your right.

Day 30  8:00 PM

DCM: Sure. Me too.
Me: One of the longest months I can remember... I know I'll be happy when the pain is a distant memory.... Will need to do a little at home physical therapy to protect the elbow joint and muscles... Haven't used the arm unless I've had to.
DCM: Sure. Just like being in a cast
Day 29  9:19 AM

DCM: Yep. Pulling away more today?
Me:  Yeah, there was considerably more blood last night than before... Kept filling in around where it was pulling away from the skin... Kind of like a moat. Nothing to worry about I think... Just wonder if it's the raw edges... Or if there's something else going on under the surface. I'll be surprised if I don't have lift off by Friday... Maybe Sunday at the latest, but we'll see...

Day 29  11:35 AM

DCM: K thanks for the update
Me: Everything going well with you I hope?
DCM: Yep all good.
DCM: Glad ur smart
Me: What do you mean?

Day 29  4:36 PM

DCM: Ur doin the right thing. Most would hv bailed out by now. Do u know ****** Health ****? She started doing this on her own and wigged outI did not know her thank God. She went to a western doc. Just found this out today. I'll find out the rest of story soon. Should be interesting.

Day 29  8:12  PM

DCM: U get cleaned up yet?
Me:  Arm in the sink as we speak.
DCM: This day 25ish.
Me: I think it is!

Me: No blood tonight, and pulling away from the sides more...pink all around that I can see... Maybe A little white, but may be the underside of the eschar... Can't tell.... All good signs... Good stuff.

Day 29  8:30 PM

Me: Did you ever get the full scoop on the lady from *******? I'm familiar with the place, but haven't been by in a few years.
DCM: Not yet
Me: Bet the western docs freaked out!

Day 29  9:07 AM

DCM: Isn't that absolutely magic, but seems like foorrreevveerr. Thank u Mr Hoxsey.
Me: It certainly is... Never ceases to amaze!
Day 28  9:38 AM

DCM: Hey there. What's going in now? U still out there?
Me: Yeah, was in a meeting. Didn't bother you yesterday. Figured you were busy. Gonna have the arm removed... Don't need it Anymore :)
DCM: ???
It's ok other than hurting like hell... Started to separate a little at the edge as usual last night.
Me: You ok... Didn't freak you out with the arm comment did I? Just jokin around.
DCM: I'll cut it off for u
Me: I don't need no analgesic neither. I got balls as big as tumbleweeds.
DCM: Yes u do hv them

Day 28  5:11 PM

Me: Last night, after shower. See a little separation spot off to the left edge? Will update later tonight when I get home and open up the bandage.
DCM: Wow looks like a couple more times should do it
Me: Omg... I hope your joking!
DCM: Turnabout is fairplay :) Yeah, me too.
Me: Yeah you got me.
DCM: Bingo Batman. Is that baby mounding up yet?
Me: Wasn't last night. I'll let you know when I unwrap tonight. The eschar seems to get soft during the day after being wrapped up.
DCM: Sweat and no air circulation
Me: Bad combination... But what's a girl to do?

Day 28  7:28 PM

 Me: "non-stick" bandage off after soaking in the sink for 7 minutes. My beauty mark... Pre- cleanup

Day 28  7:53 PM
Me: Post cleanup... This thing is at warp speed. It's only been 5 days and this thing is pulling away from the sides already!!
DCM: We gotta take to Watson clinic to see if they can save u. Come on man don't be a Percy
Me: Roflmao!!!
Me: You mean to see if they can kill me...
Day 26  9:10 AM 
Me: Still very much a work in progress. Trying to post up thru today's date... We'll see. Go to the bottom and click on 'older posts'. You can see the posts are in reverse order from oldest to newest. Newest being at the top. Read ' My Black Salve Cancer? Story. Let me know if i've edited out your identity to your satisfaction. Thanks...Telosoftime.blogspot.com.
DCM: K will do. I'm in Chinese acup. Assn meeting now
Day 24  10:23 AM 
DCM: How ya doing?
Me: Trying to write the start of a blog about this. I'll send you the link when I get it going to see if you want me to edit any references to you that you might feel could be compromising. Pain/tentacles is more intense that anything that has come before... This must be getting to the heart of this thing. Whole arm hurts from the fingers to the shoulder. Feels good if I put it on a pillow, and rest it on my lap.. It's all good though. A little pain now is nothing to pay for what this thing might have cost me had I continued to ignore it and let it grow.

Day 24  10:49 PM 
DCM: Absolutely. This was the best & only way.
Me: I heartily agree.
DCM: Getting ugly again?
Me: Taken seconds ago...
DCM: Come outta there u evil bugger. Silver paper towel help?

Day 24  11:02 AM
Me: Silver and after care helps a lot... Skin gets dry around the edges

Day 24  11:34 AM 
DCM: Yes keep taking herbs too. U still hv enough cream & herbs? I'm glad u had a little warm up before big daddy showed up. U might be freaking out if this happened the first time. Looks really good. Getting a grip on the bad guy.
Me: Yep on silver and herbs, might need to stop by for more capsules later next week... Yeah I think the seed is dying.
Day 21  12:33 PM 
DCM: What's happening today?

Day 21  12:52 PM 
Me: This shit must have gone deep....tentacles from between the knuckles of the first and second finger on the back of the hand up along the forearm to the elbow. Then from the hole along the top of the bicep muscle up to the crest of the deltoid at the top of the shoulder.... Intense to say the least....die sucker die!!

Day 21  1:18 PM 
DCM: Roger, goin deep.
Day 20  9:39 AM 
Me: Strange!!! Tentacles between knuckles of index finger and 2nd finger on the back of the hand!

Day 20  10:43 AM 

DCM: Yep round 3 begins. Entirely new creature. I wonder if big boys would hv gotten those.
Day 19  8:11 AM 
Me: No liftoff :( 
DCM: Prob good u didn't take off last night then. Maybe today
Me: Yeah, hopefully...

Day 19  10:43 AM 
DCM: Well......

Day 19  11:33 AM 
Me: Prob come off tonight with gauze... I'll soak it to remove though... Not just pull it off... We'll see.

Day 19  5:59 PM 
DCM: Hey there. Make it home yet?
Me: At my moms... He home I an hour to hour and a half
DCM: K holler when u can.
Me: Will do.

Day 19  8:24 PM 
Me: Warning... Graphic content...
DCM: That's what I live for big boy. I'm not scared.

Me: VERY good progress.. But not quite done. This shit was pretty aggressive apparently. Hitting it with silver now.
DCM: Good. Time for round 3.
Me: Yep round 3... Tomorrow?
DCM: The white part needs more. The pink part is healing/filling very nicely. Sure. Lunchtime? Or early?
Me: Where it's clean, I think it looks damn good! Early is good... What time?
DCM: What time do u need to be at work?
Me: I get there around 6:40 am.
DCM: Can u break away for breakfast at 9ish
Me: Sure. Meet u at the office at 9:00?
DCM: Fred's. How about Fred's? It's about half way
Me:Oh ok sure... Time?
DCM: 8:30?

Day 19  8:45 PM 
Me: Ok 
DCM: I'll hv everything we need.
Me: Ok... Thanks. See u then.
DCM: Put silver on then cream on pink. Will refill and wrap. Then a quick breakfast if u want
Me: Sounds good...
DCM: K see u then
Me: Okey dokey
Day 18  7:11 PM 
DCM: Hey there. Just got home. How r u today? 
Me: I'm on the road to see my mom who's being helped by hospice so I'm texting by voice
I'm doing good the bandage came off accidentally today and exposed some of it I think it's Gonna come off tonight at least it was pink flesh underneath. I'll text you pictures and let you know the scoop when I get home. probably in an hour 
DCM: Awesome & sorry about ur mom. Call or txt later when convenient :)
Me: Will do thanks 
DCM: K, Love pink:p, Ur welcome (bu ke qi)

Day 18  8:49 PM

Me: Sorry for the gross photo... Wiggles pretty loose. Do you think I should just see if I can pull it out? It doesn't seem to be attached to any sides now 
DCM: Nope. Wait til body spits it out. You can make it. Looks great. 
Me: When you say spit it out.... Just falls out?? 
DCM: White came with it :) Just falls off. Usually sticks to bandage. Like tomorrow a.m. when u wake up 
Me: Sure is looking that way... All I see in the side open side is pink underneath! Smells horrible. 
DCM: Ru creaking edges? Spray silver to kill smell. It is dead dude :) Looks like it is tapping out. 
Me: Edges are loose...rocks back and forth pretty easy... It's dead 
DCM: Spray in sink so u can soak it good 
Me: Thanks.... I always forget That the sliver helps with that

Day 18  9:00PM
DCM: Cream the edges and cover lightly as usual 
Me: Thanks will do 
DCM: I'll prob knock it off sleeping. Got a video cam? 
Me: Yeah... Why? 
DCM: Get ur wife to rec the birth 
Me: Yeah, not a bad idea. Should I cover it before I get a shower tonight? 
DCM: It is going to be deep. U need to see me asap 
Me: Tomorrow is the last day of the month, in case it falls out tonight or in the am.... I'll do the best I can... Are you thinking about closing it? 
DCM: Prob so. Just washing ur body could shake off. Ur call. May encourage shape by using tape. Fills in pretty fast generally. 
Me: Once it does come out do I use the after care in the cavity or just the edges? 
DCM: Spray very well with silver first. Then coat entire new area using clean little finger. U don't need to fill crater just coat generously to prevent drying out. That keeps scar to a minimum. 
Me: Got it. Thanks. 
DCM: Let me know when it happens. I'm guessing middle of the night.

Day 18 9:15 PM 
Me: Will do... Have a good evening!! 
DCM: U too
Day 17  9:29 AM 
DCM: Have enough to take care of things today?
Me: I had enough to bandage this morning, plan on going by the office around lunch.

Day 17  10:15 AM 
DCM: Feel ok today? Getting close Again?

Day 17  1:31 PM 
Me: Feeling ok...picked up the ointment. I had enough to bandage it up this morning. I was thinking that I'll soak the area in a sink full of warm water before removing the pad tonight to insure I don't pull out the ecshar....very loose now.
DCM: Kitchen Sink hose w warm water works great for that. Then silver it heavily w paper towel THEN after care cream. Once cream on silver can't penetrate skin
Me: Cool, thanks!

Day 17  6:40 PM

Me: After removing pad but before shower. Arm is bent at the elbow...next pic... Arm extended.

Me: See the gap open all around... That's how loose it is... Gonna get some grub then a shower... Doesn't hurt as much today... It's just gross as hell.

Day 17  7:49 PM

Me: Pushing up!

Day 17  9:27 PM 
DCM: Alien 3D. Looks good. Lift off should be soon. Maybe tomorrow night
Me: No later than Wed. At the very most I think!
DCM: Let's hope for all pink underneath
Me: Amen to that..Love pink!
DCM: The golf ball is certainly gone:)
Me: 'hole' in one:)
DCM: Still smell bad?
Me: My wife thinks so... Maybe I'm jaded to it.
DCM: Let's hope for TKO AT THE END OF ROUND 2. Surgery would hv sucked too.
Me: I'm praying this is the last one...we should know soon.
DCM: Me too
Me: Thanks for being there thru all this.
Day 16 9:49 AM

Me: Looks like I developed a tear again in the area near the inside elbow! No point in crying over spilt milk...just hope it doesn't effect the quality of the work the bs is doing in there. Looks like the rest is ready to give up the ghost soon too. Need to shower though... You see any reason i need to protect it from the h2O?

Day 16  11:49

Me: And I thought it looked gross BEFORE I got into the shower! ... I see pink skin thru the tear though!!!

Day 16   1:08 PM 
DCM:It's a miracle my friend :) Killin ya?
Me: Yes it is! (a miracle, i mean)
DCM:U know it's in a bad place in the first place. Ibu & silver Help any?
Me: No not hurting as much
DCM: How many days now? Don't bump that baby now :( I mean ;( tears
Me: On the road right now. Can't text and drive... Will reply later.

Day 16  2:09 PM 
Me: Stopped for a while... Then on the road again... When I said 'yes it is!' it was in response to you saying: 'it's a miracle my friend!'... Not been in as much pain today... But can't bend my arm as much.... Skin is tight around the eschar. If I bump it I might invent a few new profanities!!

Day 16  5:19 PM
Me: Home now. Hope this pops it's top soon. It's at the stage where every time I open the dressing it's full of puss and discharge... Messy and harder to manage.
DCM:Coming off soon. Is it still solid or starting to "rock" when u push on it?

Day 16  5:30 PM 
Me: Rule # 1 try not to touch it ;/

Day 16  5:47 PM 
DCM: U remembered :)
Me: My lol buddy helps me remember

Day 16  10:07 PM 
DCM: How ya doing?
Me: Ok. Still leaking pretty good. Cleanup every 30 min to an hr. with q-tips and peroxide. Spray with silver, and then after care cream. May need to come by office on Monday or Tues. depending on when you're in to purchase a new after care ointment. Can I use petroleum jelly to keep the 'non- stick'gauze pad that keeps sticking... From sticking?

DCM:Earlier pic looks like it is shrinking and pulling away from edges. Pink looks great. It's a matter of how much white will be left behind Stop by the office anytime after 9 & get it.
Me: Definitely pulling away from about 50% to 65% of the edges...

Day 16  10:31 PM 
DCM: Cover all the pink. Hv plenty at office. U hv enough for tonight?
Me: Ok. What about petroleum jelly, can I cover the gauze pad in it to keep it from sticking. I'm afraid of it sticks i'll pull it out prematurely tomorrow evening, when I get home from work... I don't like to do ANYTHiNG prematurely ;)
DCM: How is the pain? More itchy with stingers?
Me: Pain only occasional, but intense when it comes...sharp...stabbing...some stinging, itches mostly right on the elbow, almost none around the crater.
DCM:Petrogel may hv some bad bacteria. I wouldn't chance it. Use what u hv left in the a.m. and I'll hv plenty to finish
Me: Thanks for the advice, wow I hadn't thought about potential bacteria, that could make for a very bad day!
Day 15 3:21 PM
Me: Red and mad at me for killing it...gonna make me pay for a little longer I think. Hope this one finishes it... If I have to do a third round i'm gonna need bigger balls! But...in the end, I would do it anyway. Bill O'Leary was a pussy compared the this... IMHO of course :)

 Me: Some puss and blood...yuck.

  Me: Cleaned up just the edges with Hydrogen peroxide on q-tips... And sprayed with colloidal silver. When did we put on the 2nd batch of black salve? Friday the 17th? 
DCM: Check date on pics. Must hv been wed. U were up late Tues night. Met u Wed at lunch I think

Day 15 3:48 PM
Me: Based in the date the pictures were taken, it looks like the first one opened up on the night of the 20th, and you put more BS in on Tues. the 21st... Thought it had been longer than that! Seeing puss and so on, a little sooner this time...took 7 days the last time. 
DCM: Looks like it is going deeper for sure. More tentacles? Seems like 6 months. I know the feeling. 
Me: Deeper for sure...and more tentacles and more intense... I need bigger testicles ;) 
DCM: They r prob shrinking 
Me: The tentacles or my testicles! 
DCM: Yes 
Me: Lol!!

Day 15 4:13 PM
DCM: The skin around looking ok. Redness less now? 
Me: Still very red...starting to tighten (dry) up so I'm using the after care ointment on that... Makes it feel much better.

 Day 15 4:36 PM 
DCM: I hv more for u. Do u hv enough for the weekend?
Me: Oh yeah..
DCM: Silver helps w pain too. After shower soak pad leave on for 30 min them WV cream. After care cream
Me: Yeah. I noticed... Got up and used it three times during the night last night... First night that the pain really disturbed my sleep... Using the silver ever 30 min to an hr. depending on pain.
DCM: Do u have enough?
Me: Plenty, still have a full bottle that you gave me the other day... Still using the first one.

Day 15 4:46 PM

DCM: Lay a wet paper towel over and around site and leave it til pain is better. Works better wet on the area. Keep spraying paper towel to keep it where it can penetrate skin. Don't spare the silver.
Me: Ok I'll try that. Thank for the advice.
DCM: Soak for 30 min & let me know how it does
Me: Oh God that feels good...the cold from the liquid feels good too.
DCM: It's all good. Pain change?

Day 15 5:05 PM

Yes.... Easing off some. Pain in the forearm elbow and bicep still intense... Must have spread more than I thought. F'in cancer!
DCM: Much worse if u touch it.
Me: Yes
DCM: Makes whole line itch, burn, sting.
Me: Yes....would a dry, cold compress be ok later? 
DCM: Yes but not too cold. Slows blood flow to healthy area. Slows healing if too cold. Maybe 5 min or so at a time every hour would be okay. 
Me: Ok, thank you!
DCM: :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 13       5:07 PM
Doc: How r u today?
Me: Better after using the 'silver', changing the dressing, and applying some after care ointment.
Doc: How does it look?

Day 13       9:00 PM
Doc: Hey what's up?

Me: Trying to think of what it looks like... Maybe a crater on one of Jupiters moons!
Kinda looks like there's some brain in there too... Zombies would like that. 
Doc: Did u see Zombieland? 
Me: Nope... I live a pretty boring life.... Last zombie movie I saw was Night of the Living Dead... tell you anything?

Day 13       1:25 AM
Me: Looks more red in person than in the picture... Gonna use some more colloidal silver....can I call you in a while?
Doc: Yes call me
Day 13       9:15 AM
Doc: Still taking 3 caps twice a day... Enough? 
Me: Yes for now 
Doc: Look up CA125 test for cancer antigen. We should monitor that level in u. Test is $100 and requires a blood draw that ****** would do.

Day 13       12:12 PM
Me: Looked at 4 different sites.... All basically say the same things. I think I'll pass at the moment, and let the black salve heal what it continues to find. I can explain more later, but I think I'm the kind of person; that if I had a serious underlying cancer...would rather not know. I believe in some cases, just knowing cancer is present, changes an otherwise healthy state of mind, and the increase in stress, and perception, cause the cancer to grow. I would rather live a healthy clean lifestyle, and leave the rest up to God.
Doc: Not a problem u r the boss :) I was thinking that we could watch the number drop.
Day 13       8:58 AM
Me: Doing ok this morning? 
Doc: Yes was outside. Better one is just do me. 
Me: Lol 
Doc: So I guess it IS still working and u don't need more yet 
Me: Ouch 
Doc: How about tenticles?...Not to be confused w testicles 
Me: Seems that way to me... Not sure why the elbow hurts so much... Feels like its in the bone... That worries me. 
Doc: I would not be surprised. That is why herbs r important
Day 13       7:30 AM
Me: Bandage of the day...
Still burning, sore, and itching like a SOB...
Just do it!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 12       10:00 PM
DCM: Glad u r tough
Me: It's all in the mind.
DCM: Attitude dude
Me: That too
DCM: Let me know how tomorrow goes
Me: Will do. Thanks, and have a good evening!!
Day 12       7:33 AM

DCM: U alive this a.m.?
Me: Oh yeah, I juiced it up little last night... Seemed kinda dry... Tentacles into bicep this time! Kinda sore... Still burning on and off too.... Shower and remove salve tonight?
DCM: Nope leave it there. It is attached. Don't want to separate it from bad guy. When they say wash off excess they mean where it is not attached If it looks like a scab let it be. You can shower but very gentle around the site
Me: So shower, but don't scrub... Leave whatever salve remains?
DCM: Exactly. They are joined together. Til death do they part :) Any new tenticles show up besides the bicep? Is that the same as before or a new one?
Me: New tentacle in the bicep...and outside elbow. Others from before are pretty quiet. 
DCM: Round 2 continues 
Me: Amen!

Day 12       11:52 AM 

DCM: Doin ok?
Me: Yep... Busy day at work
DCM: Good, Keeps u out of trouble

Day 12       6:58 PM

Me: Pain/ tentacles more intense this time... Bicep, elbow, forearm...
DCM: Yep deep stuff long time. Killing it though. Next time we won't wait so long:)
DCM: It can't let go of eschar. It's a fight to the death. BS wins every time so far.Thank God for that
DCM: Hole will get deep again
Me: Thanks for the heads up
DCM: Below skin level?
Me: I'll let you know when I open the dressing later

Day 12       9:20 PM

Me: Main area of pain... Draw a line between index finger and thumb... More to come

 Me: Before shower

Me: After shower. 
DCM: Is there any smooth tissue in the crater 
Me: No, I don't see any. 
DCM: Looks like the black is still attached. Is it still attached to tenticles? 
Me: I think there's some still under the edges around the perimeter... If that's what you mean. 
DCM: Any stinging? 
Me: Yeah, still stinging/burning.
DCM: Good must still be attached. May want to reload like the other day 
Me: Can you explain... Not sure I follow. 
DCM: Put more BS to keep feeding all possible tenticles before it starts closing 
Me: Oh, you think some might still be attached? 
DCM: Looks nice and flat already U feel new lines ? If it's stinging, it's attached 
Me: Just the one I pointed out in the first picture, and the bicep. You think I need more BS. 
Me: So I need more black salve you think? BS= Black Salve 
DCM: We might. Let's see how tomorrow goes. If u feel it isn't working stop by for a few minutes. 
Me: What should I be feeling, that might lead me to believe it's not working? 
DCM: If it is stinging/itching it is still working. Usually raises up then stops hurting just before separation. Redness too 
Me: Definitely stinging and itching! Should I be using colodial silver, or ointment? 
DCM: Yes keep spraying first then grease the edges so that skin does not dry out while healing 
Me: Thanks!