Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 15 3:21 PM
Me: Red and mad at me for killing it...gonna make me pay for a little longer I think. Hope this one finishes it... If I have to do a third round i'm gonna need bigger balls! the end, I would do it anyway. Bill O'Leary was a pussy compared the this... IMHO of course :)

 Me: Some puss and blood...yuck.

  Me: Cleaned up just the edges with Hydrogen peroxide on q-tips... And sprayed with colloidal silver. When did we put on the 2nd batch of black salve? Friday the 17th? 
DCM: Check date on pics. Must hv been wed. U were up late Tues night. Met u Wed at lunch I think

Day 15 3:48 PM
Me: Based in the date the pictures were taken, it looks like the first one opened up on the night of the 20th, and you put more BS in on Tues. the 21st... Thought it had been longer than that! Seeing puss and so on, a little sooner this time...took 7 days the last time. 
DCM: Looks like it is going deeper for sure. More tentacles? Seems like 6 months. I know the feeling. 
Me: Deeper for sure...and more tentacles and more intense... I need bigger testicles ;) 
DCM: They r prob shrinking 
Me: The tentacles or my testicles! 
DCM: Yes 
Me: Lol!!

Day 15 4:13 PM
DCM: The skin around looking ok. Redness less now? 
Me: Still very red...starting to tighten (dry) up so I'm using the after care ointment on that... Makes it feel much better.

 Day 15 4:36 PM 
DCM: I hv more for u. Do u hv enough for the weekend?
Me: Oh yeah..
DCM: Silver helps w pain too. After shower soak pad leave on for 30 min them WV cream. After care cream
Me: Yeah. I noticed... Got up and used it three times during the night last night... First night that the pain really disturbed my sleep... Using the silver ever 30 min to an hr. depending on pain.
DCM: Do u have enough?
Me: Plenty, still have a full bottle that you gave me the other day... Still using the first one.

Day 15 4:46 PM

DCM: Lay a wet paper towel over and around site and leave it til pain is better. Works better wet on the area. Keep spraying paper towel to keep it where it can penetrate skin. Don't spare the silver.
Me: Ok I'll try that. Thank for the advice.
DCM: Soak for 30 min & let me know how it does
Me: Oh God that feels good...the cold from the liquid feels good too.
DCM: It's all good. Pain change?

Day 15 5:05 PM

Yes.... Easing off some. Pain in the forearm elbow and bicep still intense... Must have spread more than I thought. F'in cancer!
DCM: Much worse if u touch it.
Me: Yes
DCM: Makes whole line itch, burn, sting.
Me: Yes....would a dry, cold compress be ok later? 
DCM: Yes but not too cold. Slows blood flow to healthy area. Slows healing if too cold. Maybe 5 min or so at a time every hour would be okay. 
Me: Ok, thank you!
DCM: :)

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